Eliminate Rotator Cuff Tendinitis & Partial Tears with PRP and Enjoy a Healthy Active Lifestyle Again, without Surgery
Is your shoulder pain slowing you down? Reduce your pain naturally with Non-Surgical Joint Repairing PRP Treatments
Are you at your wits end looking for a solution? Regain strength and resume hobbies again with minimal downtime and no surgery with PRP
Need & want to feel like yourself again? Enjoy a happy, healthy life free of shoulder pain
Better alternative to Cortisone/Steroid injections PRP has significantly better long term results than cortisone/steroid injections
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PRP for Rotator Cuff Tears & Tendinitis
The shoulder is an incredible joint capable of more movement than any other joint in the body. We use our shoulders practically constantly throughout the daytime in various degrees and tasks. In order to provide such a wide range of motion and utility, the shoulder joint, aka glenohumeral joint, is composed of various muscles that all contribute to its movement and strength. This group of muscles and tendons is collectively referred to as the rotator cuff. It is composed of Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus,Teres minor, and Subscapularis muscles. (1) These muscles all have tendons that connect to the humerus in various locations allowing our arms to move in different directions while providing strength as needed. The rotator cuffs' wide range of movement also makes it susceptible to injuries that can lead to tears or tendinitis. Partial rotator cuff tears and tendinitis can be treated very effectively non-surgically, while complete tears require surgical repair and are typically much more painful. The best non-surgical option currently available is called platelet rich plasma (PRP), which is a regenerative medicine injection that helps repair and restore damage to the rotator cuff. Other treatments such as physical therapy, acupuncture and chiropractic may provide shoulder pain relief as well, but will not repair underlying tendon damage. This is why PRP is the superior option for non-surgical pain relief.
Symptoms of Shoulder Pain
- Decreased range of motion
- Deep Joint pain
- Muscle stiffness & weakness
- Clicking, Popping or Grinding sensations
- Inflammation
Overview of PRP
PRP stands for platelet rich plasma, which is taken initially from the patient's own blood. The whole blood then goes from the patient into specialized tubes that prevent it from clotting while preserving the cells, particularly the platelet cells. These tubes are then placed into the centrifuge machine and spun at a very high speed to separate the red blood cells from the white blood cells and plasma. After the initial spin, the platelets are extracted out with the plasma and placed in new empty tubes. These tubes are then spun again at higher speeds for a longer time to separate the platelets from the plasma. When the 2nd spin is complete, the platelets concentrate at the bottom of the tube and the top 75% of plasma is typically discarded. This leaves the final product known as platelet rich plasma, aka PRP. Platelet cells are particularly therapeutic in various orthopedic conditions because they are chock-full of growth factors stored inside that when released produce a very strong healing effect in the body. This healing effect allows the body to repair and improve damaged tissue, while increasing function and reducing pain. These features make PRP an attractive treatment option for various conditions, especially of the rotator cuff.
Supraspinatus Tendinitis
The supraspinatus muscle is the smallest muscle of the rotator cuff and sits on top of the scapula. It attaches to the humerus bone of the upper arm and aids in the abduction, lateral movement up, of your arm. (2) When the tendon of this muscle becomes irritated and inflamed from overuse or injury, we call it supraspinatus tendinitis.
Doctors are often able to diagnose this condition in office through a detailed case history, specific orthopedic testing and palpation over the area. Imaging can also be ordered to confirm the diagnosis. This would typically be either an ultrasound or an MRI of the shoulder.
Conventional Treatment
Conservative treatments such as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen etc, along with ice and rest are recommended for the first 1-2 weeks. If pain persists, then 2nd line treatments such as physical therapy and steroid injections would be the next options. Surgery is the last treatment option and is only considered if pain and reduced function is present after 3-6 months of conservative therapies. (3)
PRP research on Supraspinatus Tendinitis
There is a small amount of studies examining PRP and supraspinatus tendinitis specifically, and many more studies looking at PRP and rotator cuff tendinopathies more generally. Let's take a look at what the research has found so far to date.
There was a recent 2023 study consisting of 72 amateur athletes diagnosed with supraspinatus tendinitis who were treated with 1 shot of PRP. The athletes received baseline ultrasound exams and follow ups at 1, 3 and 6 month intervals. After 3 months another ultrasound assessment was completed that showed improvements in the tendon structure. Patients reported improvements at each interval throughout the process and the researchers reported that PRP improved quality of life, reduced pain and increased functional scores overall. (4)
Another study from 2021 treated 60 patients with supraspinatus tendinitis grade 1 and 2. Patients received 1 PRP treatment and then were followed up with at 1, 3, 6, 12, and 18 months. At each interval the patients reported improvements with the greatest improvement in pain reduction being observed at 18 months following treatment. The authors of the study concluded that PRP should be considered as a treatment option in supraspinatus tendinitis. (5)
Finally, a smaller 30 patient study looked at supraspinatus tendon pain associated with rotator cuff tendinopathy. Each participant was treated once with an ultrasound guided PRP injection and follow ups were completed at 4,8,12, and 24 weeks. Outcomes were evaluated with disability ratings, pain measurements and imaging that measured tendon thickness. The results showed very strong improvements for pain reduction and reduced disability but the changes in the tendon size remained relatively the same. (6)
PRP Benefits for Supraspinatus Tendinitis
- Reduces Pain
- Improves Function
- Increases Quality of Life
Supraspinatus Partial Tear
The supraspinatus muscle’s tendon attaches on the top of the humerus bone of the upper arm and can become partially torn either by repeated micro traumas or by injury. (7) A partial tear means that part of the tendon is still attached like normal and a full tear means the tendon has completely ruptured off its attachment site. Full tendon tears require surgery for repair while partial tears can be treated by more conservative therapies.
Supraspinatus partial tears are typically diagnosed by either ultrasound or my MRI imaging studies. Case history and physical examinations are helpful but the actual degree and severity of the tear must be seen on imaging. This also aids in the treatment recommendations.
Treatment Options
Conservative treatment options include ibuprofen, or other NSAIDs, rest. ice/heat, physical therapy or steroid injections. Full tears or tears unresponsive to conservative treatment for a prolonged period of time will require surgery.
PRP research on Supraspinatus Partial Tear
A study from 2015 evaluated PRP vs physical therapy for supraspinatus partial tears. 35 patients were placed in the PRP group and 35 patients in the physical therapy group. MRI’s were completed before the study began and after 12 months. Patients in the PRP group received a total of 3 treatments spaced 1 week apart and patients in the physical therapy group received 15 sessions of PT along with at home rehab work. On the 12 month follow up both groups showed significant reduction in pain and significant increases in range of motion. The PRP group showed greater disability reduction than the physical therapy group overall as well. (8)
The next two studies examined the outcomes of PRP vs corticosteroid injections for supraspinatus partial tears. These studies are both small but very important because steroid injections dominate the conventional model of orthopedics currently even though they may not be the most evidence based nor the most effective option available.
The first study compared 1 shot of PRP vs 1 shot of steroids in 32 patients with supraspinatus partial tears. The patients were divided up into 2 groups and then received the respective treatment they were assigned to. Follow-ups were completed at 1 month and 6 months following treatment. Outcomes were measured via visual analog pain scale and Oxford Shoulder Score. Outcomes in pain reduction and function were the same at the 1 month follow-up between the 2 treatment groups. PRP had significantly better outcomes than the steroid injection group at the 6 month follow-up in both pain reduction and overall shoulder function. (9)
This next study was very similar to the last study reviewed in the fact that it compared PRP to steroids again for supraspinatus partial tears. The sizes of the study groups were also very similar, 14 patients in the PRP group and 15 in the corticosteroid group. This study mainly looked at supraspinatus tear size before and after the treatments instead of pain and function. This study also used MRI evaluations at baseline and 6 months post treatment to compare the tear sizes. After 6 months the researchers concluded that steroids did not significantly reduce the tear sizes, while PRP did. They also noted that PRP had better functional improvements than steroids at 6 months according to The American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons Shoulder score. (10)
PRP Benefits for Supraspinatus Partial Tear
- Reduces pain
- Reduces disability scores
- Increases range of motion
- More effective than steroid injections
- Reduces size of tendon tears
Infraspinatus / Subscapularis / Teres Minor Tendinitis
I have grouped these 3 rotator cuff conditions together because of the limited research studying each one individually throughout the medical literature. They are commonly grouped together under a broader term called “rotator cuff tendinopathies” which I will discuss further in great detail. These 3 muscles all attach to the scapula and humerus bone in various positions and are involved in various movements of the shoulder such as internal / external rotation and extension.
Tendinitis of these rotator cuff tendons can be diagnosed in office mainly through orthopedic examinations along with a detailed case history. Ultrasound and MRI imaging can be used to confirm the diagnosis, with MRI being the gold standard.
Treatment Options
Generally, conservative treatments are used initially such as NSAIDs, ice and rest. If pain persists, most patients will then be referred to physical therapy. If still unresponsive, corticosteroid injections will typically be recommended for short term relief. Surgery is a last resort option for all of these conditions.
PRP research
Platelet rich plasma research for these conditions individually is non-existent. Instead they are grouped together and studied under the name “Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy” for which there is some research with PRP.
Infraspinatus /Teres minor / Subscapularis partial tear
Infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis partial tendon tears are generally grouped together and studied under the term “Rotator Cuff Tears”. All three of these muscles attach onto the upper arm and comprise the majority of the rotator cuff in general.
Partial tears of these rotator cuff tendons can be diagnosed in office mainly through orthopedic examinations along with a detailed case history. Ultrasound and MRI imaging can be used to confirm the diagnosis, with MRI being the gold standard and the option utilized the most by physicians.
Treatment Options
First line treatment options for partial rotator cuff tears are exactly the same as the recommendations previously mentioned for tendinitis of the rotator cuff.
PRP research
PRP research into this area is grouped together into rotator cuff tears in general. Individual studies into each type of rotator cuff tear are extremely rare.
Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
The term rotator cuff tendinopathy encompasses inflammation or micro tears of the tendons of the rotator cuff. The rotator cuff is made up of 4 muscles and their associated tendons. These include the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis muscles and tendons. The inflammation may be within one tendon or multiple in this condition with all structures being involved to various degrees due to mechanical and functional compensations. The condition is generally associated with people over the age of 30 and is attributed to overuse or wear and tear. If left untreated, the tendinopathy may progress to weakness, chronic pain, decreased range of motion or develop into full rotator cuff tears. Common symptoms of rotator cuff tendinopathy include shoulder pain, joint stiffness, swelling/inflammation, weakness, and decreased motion. (11)
This condition is diagnosed through a detailed case history, thorough physical examination including specific shoulder orthopedic tests and imaging such as MRI or musculoskeletal ultrasound. Some primary care doctors may refer these cases to Orthopedic specialists for evaluation and treatment.
Conventional Treatment
First line treatments include rest, ice/heat, stretching and NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin etc. If unresponsive to conservative therapies over the course of a few months, then physical therapy, steroid injections and surgery may be considered. (11)
PRP research on Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
There is a considerable amount of research into rotator cuff tendinopathy treatment with PRP. The studies range from randomized controlled trials to meta analysis. I will briefly summarize the most relevant work to date below.
The first study has 99 patients with confirmed rotator cuff tendinopathy and partial thickness rotator cuff tears present. Confirmation was made through either ultrasound images or MRI prior to the study. Participants were divided up into 2 groups, 1 group received PRP treatment and the other received corticosteroid treatment. Outcomes were measured at 6 weeks, 3 months and 12 months via visual analog pain scale and American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES) and Western Ontario Rotator Cuff Index (WORC) scores. The results showed both groups made improvements in pain reduction with the PRP group having significantly less pain and better function overall on the short term follow-up. (12)
Another smaller study also compared PRP to steroid treatment for rotator cuff tendinopathy. This study had 58 participants and outcomes were measured by comparison of pain, range of motion (ROM), Western Ontario RC (WORC), Disability of Arm-Hand-Shoulder (DASH) scores, and supraspinatus thickness. Follow-ups were completed at 1 and 3 months following treatment. The results showed both groups had improvement in pain but PRP’s improvement was substantially better than the corticosteroid group. The researchers also found that PRP had better results in improved range of motion than the steroid group. The authors concluded that PRP should be used in replace of corticosteroids for rotator cuff tendinopathy due to the same or better results and less contraindications. (13)
A 2022 literature review paper analyzed the current data and studies we have on PRP for rotator cuff tendinopathy as it compares to the other treatments available. The authors concluded, “Although multiple treatment options like corticosteroid injections, dry needling, and targeted exercise regimens have been tried, their low compliance and efficacy along with chances of adverse effects have forced the physicians to try alternative methods like PRP injection. It can be agreed that PRP injection offers an efficient alternative for improving the shoulder function and range of motion in patients suffering from rotator cuff tendinopathy.” (14)
Another literature review study that was published in International Journal of Clinical Rheumatology in 2021 compared PRP to other conventional treatments for rotator cuff tendinopathy. Their analysis reviewed 11 different clinical trials on the topic, with 9 of the studies showing PRP treatments reduced pain and improved function. They concluded that PRP is more effective than placebo. (15)
A 2021 systematic review and meta-analysis examined 8 randomized controlled trials (RCTs) regarding PRP for rotator cuff tendinopathy. 4 of the studies compared PRP to saline injections and the other 4 trials compared PRP to standard rehab treatments. The authors of the meta-analysis concluded, “Meta-analysis of selected studies showed that PRP injection was safe and effective intervention for long-term pain control and shoulder function in patients with RC disorders.” (16)
PRP Benefits for Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy
- Reduces pain
- Improves overall function
- Increases range of motion
- More effective than corticosteroids
- More effective than conservative therapy
Rotator Cuff Partial Tears
The rotator cuff is composed of 4 muscles that all sit on the shoulder blade in different positions with their tendons attaching onto the upper arm allowing the shoulder to complete a wide range of motion. Partial rotator cuff tears can occur from trauma or injury but are more frequently attributed to wear and tear associated with aging. Symptoms of a partial rotator cuff tear may include shoulder pain, weakness, and decreased range of motion
Partial rotator cuff tears are typically diagnosed through imaging studies, mainly MRI and musculoskeletal ultrasound. MRI is more commonly used for diagnosis in clinical practice and is the most accurate. Imaging is often needed due to the case history overlap between partial rotator cuff tears and tendinitis cases.
Conventional Treatment
Initial treatment consists of rest, ice, heat, stretching and over the counter medications for pain control and inflammation reduction. If conservative care is unsuccessful, then physical therapy would be the next option. Typically, surgery is not indicated unless the tear is complete or very painful and over 90% torn. (17)
PRP research on Partial Rotator Cuff Tears
There are quite a few studies on PRP for partial rotator cuff tears that range from very small randomized controlled trials to large meta analysis and review papers. This area of medicine has been studied due to the lack of effective conventional options available for partial rotator cuff tears short of surgery.
The first study we reviewed was small and consisted of only 20 patients with symptomatic partial rotator cuff tears. Pain scores and functional assessments were used to evaluate outcomes. Follow-up was completed at 8 weeks and 3 months following injection. Results showed PRP treatment decreased shoulder pain, increased shoulder function and was much more cost-effective than shoulder surgery. (18)
The next study examined PRP treatment for rotator cuff tears over a 2 year period for 71 patients who had been unresponsive to conservative treatments. Prior diagnosis was confirmed through MRI prior to the treatment. Follow-ups were completed at 6, 12 and 24 months. Outcomes were measured through Global improvement, Quick DASH and visual analog scores. Patients showed pain reduction and increased function at the 6, 12 and 24 month follow-up evaluations. The authors concluded after 24 months that “PRP injection is a safe and effective treatment for RC cuff injury in patients who have failed conservative treatment of activity modification and physical therapy without deterioration of results two years after treatment.” (19)
A 2020 literature review paper examined the effectiveness of all types of injections for partial rotator cuff tears. The review looked at 9 different studies on the topic that included a total of 494 patients overall. The authors found mixed results for the different injection types but stated, “Anyway, the treatment of partial rotator cuff tears with PRP injections seems to lead to significantly better outcomes in terms of pain and shoulder function in long term follow up. Whereas in short and medium term follow up, PRP injections was superior only in terms of shoulder function.” (20)
Next, we have a systematic review and meta-analysis that included 18 different level 1 randomized controlled trials and over 1,100 patients that looked at PRP for partial rotator cuff tendon tears. The authors noted that PRP reduced rotator cuff retear rates as well as increased rotator cuff functionality. They concluded, “Overall, our results suggest that PRP may positively affect clinical outcomes.” (21)
Finally, we have a more recent systematic review and meta-analysis from 2023 regarding PRP vs corticosteroid vs sodium hyaluronate injections for partial shoulder rotator cuff tears. This review encompassed 12 RTCs and 1,115 total patients. The results showed that sodium hyaluronate injections had better short term results than PRP over the course of 1-5 months but that PRP had better long term results than sodium hyaluronate injections and corticosteroid injections in terms of pain reduction and increased function. The study's authors stated in their concluding remarks that “PRP injection has the potential to successfully treat rotator cuff tears as an alternative to corticosteroids in the long term, in terms of either therapeutic efficiency or adverse effects, followed by SH injection. More research is needed to make high-quality recommendations on treatment options for injection treatments of rotator cuff tears.” (22)
PRP Benefits for Rotator Cuff Partial Tears
- Cost Effective Treatment
- Reduces Pain
- Improves Function
- Better Outcomes than steroid injections
- Reduces chance at retearing rotator cuff
- Long term results
The rotator cuff of the shoulder is extremely important because of the wide ranging capabilities it provides us. We use our shoulders in various capacities throughout every single day, often taking for granted the amazing function and utility it provides. The large range of motion of the rotator cuff can also put it at risk for injury that can result in tendinitis or even partial tears. Generally, conservative treatments such as rest, ice/heat, over the counters and stretching are recommended initially as first line therapies. The problem lies in the fact that these therapies frequently do not heal the rotator cuff and the only other option available is damaging corticosteroid injections or surgery. This can leave patients stuck in no man's land so to speak, where they are just trying to get by and live with the pain and weakness in their shoulder. Fortunately, a new promising therapy has emerged that solves these problems. It is called platelet rich plasma or PRP and it is more effective than conservative treatments and steroid injections. PRP is a concentrated growth factor solution that is taken from the patient's own blood and injected into the damaged and inflamed areas of the rotator cuff. PRP is proven to reduce shoulder pain, increase function, increase range of motion and decrease risk of future tears. If you are struggling with shoulder pain that is unresponsive to rest, ice, heat, ibuprofen and physical therapy, then PRP is the solution for you!
“Dr. Dylan Krueger, NMD has receiving extensive training in both conventional and functional medicine as well as post-graduate training in Regenerative Medicine and Naturopathic Orthopedics. He combined his interests in functional medicine and pain management with his dream of being a small business owner to form Atlas Health Medical Group in Gilbert, AZ. His private practice focuses on identifying and treating the underlying causes of pain with outside the box solutions.
Dr. Krueger's passion for non-surgical solutions, regenerative medicine, sports performance, bio-hacking, nutrition and exercise is utilized with every patient he sees as he creates personalized treatment plans that fit patients' busy lives. This comprehensive approach has helped patients live pain free with improved quality of life while reducing the need for opioids or other pain medications.
Dr. Krueger loves offering cutting edge therapies and has saved hundreds of patients from needing surgery. In his free time, he enjoys camping, hiking, golfing, weight lifting, stand-up comedy shows, watching Minnesota sports teams (sadly), reading and spending time with his wife, son and his dog Lily.”
Naturopathic Medical Doctor
What Our Fantastic Clients Say
Frequently Asked Questions
PRP is a evidenced based treatment for various rotator cuff tendon conditions such as tendinitis and partially torn tendons.
PRP is more effective than corticosteroid injections and physical therapy in various rotator cuff conditions.
PRP is more successful over the long term than steroid injections, ie cortisone, NSAIDs, and physical therapy.
This really depends on various factors such as the patients age, severity of damage to the shoulder joint, treatment history, weight, other medical conditions etc. Generally, the treatments cost a small fraction of the price of shoulder surgery and can be more cost-effective than continuous steroid and daily NSAIDs, like Ibuprofen. New patients also receive $250 off their 1st treatment.
Regenerative injections have better outcomes in pain reduction and increased functionality at 3, 6, and 12 month follow-ups compared to steroids (cortisone).
This depends on the individual person. Factors involved in how long PRP is effective include: patients age, general health status, medication and treatment history, patients body weight, activity level, diet and other health conditions the patient may have. Most research into this typically measures results from 1 to 2 years, with data suggesting its still effective at 2 years out in various conditions.
Do You Need a Shoulder Doctor Focused on Results-Based Solutions in Gilbert, Arizona and the Easy Valley?
Atlas Health Medical Group in Gilbert, Arizona specializes in providing Functional & Regenerative Medicine to the East Valley including Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, San Tan and Queen Creek. Offering innovative treatments such non-surgical joint reconstruction, Bio-Identical Hormones, testosterone replacement therapy, Nutrient IVs and supplements that allow us to individualize care for every patient. We pride ourselves on setting the standards of patient care and result-driven treatments. This approach has allowed us to become the leading wellness clinic in Chandler, Gilbert, and Mesa Arizona. Our patients return to health and live the life they intended.
Contact us today for your first appointment!
Top 5 Rotator Cuff Doctors in Gilbert, AZ
1. Dr. Dylan W. Krueger
Practice: Atlas Health Medical Group
Address: 1447 W. Elliot Rd. #103, Gilbert, AZ 85233
Phone: 480-648-1534
About: Dr. Dylan Krueger grew up in a small town in Minnesota where Midwestern values were embedded into his character. He received a scholarship and double majored at the University of North Dakota before graduating with honors in Biology and Psychology. He later attended Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine to receive extensive training in both conventional and functional medicine. Upon graduation and completion of board examinations, he became a practicing Naturopathic Medical Doctor in the state of Arizona. He has completed post-graduate training in regenerative medicine and mentorship with some of Arizona’s top regenerative medicine and pain doctors. He soon combined his interests in functional medicine and pain management with his dream of being an entrepreneur to form Atlas Health Medical Group in Gilbert, AZ.
Services Offered: Platelet rich plasma injections, prolotherapy, amniotic allograft injections, nutraceutical supplementation, peptide therapy, nutritional counseling
What makes them Different: His private practice focuses on understanding, listening, carefully diagnosing and treating the underlying causes of symptoms and pain. No stone is left unturned, and going the extra mile is the standard, not the exception.
2. Dr. Scott Ellis
Practice: Canyon Vista Bone and Joint Surgery
Address: 726 N Greenfield Rd #108, Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone: 480-503-3055
About: Dr. Ellis has almost 30 years of orthopedic experience and specializes in Sports Medicine. Dr. Ellis earned his Medical Doctorate from Thomas Jefferson University in 1985. He completed his internship and residency at Virginia Commonwealth University Health System and his fellowship in Sports Medicine at the Affiliated University of Illinois College of Medicine at Chicago.
Services Offered: Steroid injections, general orthopedic surgery, knee replacement, shoulder replacement, tendon and ligament repair surgery, hyaluronic acid injections
What makes them Different: Canyon Vista Bone & Joint Surgery is dedicated to providing the utmost in orthopedic care. They are available to evaluate and treat nearly every orthopedic condition. They strive to provide personalized orthopedic care and are committed to making sure your experience as a patient is as comfortable as possible. Their physician utilizes the most cutting edge treatments to restore your orthopedic health.
3. Dr. Daniel Carlow
Practice: Islands Chiropractic and Massage
Address: 1447 W. Elliot Rd. #103, Gilbert, AZ 85233
Phone: 480-545-4580
About: Dr. Daniel Carlow chose to be a chiropractor because he loved the idea of being able to help people using a natural approach without drugs or surgery. His chiropractic journey actually began when, suffering with back spasms, a friend recommended chiropractic. He was hesitant at first thinking "How can cracking your back do anything to help." He finally made an appointment and was amazed at how quickly he improved. It was explained that chiropractic adjustments help to realign the spine taking pressure off the joints, muscles and nerves. This helps the body function better and heal faster. This made perfect sense and with the results he received he wanted to help others with this healing method.
Services Offered: Chiropractic adjustments, cold laser, massage therapy, Electric stimulation, rehab work.
What makes them Different: Dr. Daniel Carlow is the owner of Islands Chiropractic & Massage and has enjoyed helping people over the last 30+ years through chiropractic, massage and physical medicine. He loves getting people out of pain fast and teaching them how to keep themselves healthy.
4. Dr. Stacey L. Billyard
Practice: Spectrum Spine & Sport Physical Therapy
Address: 3485 S. Mercy Rd. Suite 101, Gilbert, AZ 85297
Phone: 480-573-7106
About: Dr. Billyard is ASTYM-Certified. She is a seasoned clinician with training and expertise in spine rehabilitation, aquatic physical therapy, orthopedics, manual therapy, and foot and ankle rehab. Her wide range of experience includes geriatrics, pregnancy-related conditions, athletes, and pediatrics.
Services Offered: Physical therapy, stretching, computerized keiser infinity series training
What makes them Different: She loves making a difference in her patient’s lives – seeing the joy that comes when someone returns to something they love, whether it’s hitting a ball, running a 5K, or carrying a grandchild. She also cherishes the relationships and friendships that she builds with her patients who become part of her family.
5. Dr. Eric Garst
Practice: The Well Chiropractic Clinic
Address: 2451 E Baseline Rd., Suite 450, Gilbert, AZ 85234
Phone: 480-656-1233
About: Dr. Eric Garst was born and raised in Mesa, Arizona. When he began his college endeavors and journey to become a chiropractor, he moved to Roseville, Minnesota where he attended Northwestern College in St. Paul majoring in Pre-Chiropractic Studies and General Business. During his time spent at Northwestern, Dr. Garst played collegiate basketball, met his beautiful wife, and built a solid educational framework to pursue his desire of becoming a chiropractor. Dr. Garst furthered his education at Northwestern Health Sciences University, College of Chiropractic located in Bloomington, Minnesota where received his Doctorate of Chiropractic in the fall of 2013 graduating with the high honors of Magna Cum Laude.
Services Offered: Spinal manipulation, decompression, electrotherapy, joint mobilization, digital z-ray’s, therapeutic exercise.
What makes them Different: Their mission at The Well Chiropractic Clinic is to provide quality chiropractic care to their community. This includes treatment starting in infancy through adulthood. They want to promote wellness, relieve suffering and restore optimal health swiftly and safely without drugs or surgery.
Common Questions
Yes! Stretching is an excellent exercise for shoulder pain. It provides minimal stress and load on the shoulder joint, while increasing blood flow. It is important to be consistent with stretching with the goal of 5-7 days per week for at least 10 minutes.
Shoulder pain can be caused by many different things, which is why it is very important to get evaluated by a doctor to find out the source of the pain. Sometimes imaging such as an x-ray or MRI may be needed to figure out what the problem is. The most common causes of shoulder pain are arthritis and rotator cuff injuries / degeneration. This is typically experienced later in life and is a degenerative joint condition in which the supporting connective tissue begins to wear out. Other common causes of shoulder pain include: tendinitis, ligament tears, tendon tears, labrum tears and inflammation.
One of the most basic and helpful home remedies is simply icing your shoulder. This helps temporarily take away pain and relieve inflammation. Another popular strategy is rotating between ice and heat. Typically 30 seconds of ice and 2 minutes of heat repeated 3 times in a row once per day.
PRP injections create some short term discomfort typically because the solution does not have any anesthetic mixed into it. The treatment areas are numbed ahead of time with lidocaine typically and we also encourage patients to take tylenol extra strength before and after the procedure to minimize any pain. Most patients that follow this advice, do very well with minimal discomfort.
The side effect profile of PRP is very minimal with the treatment generally being very safe overall. Some side effects include, pain from the injection during the procedure, temporary weakness and tenderness after the injections for 1-5 days, infection, nerve damage, and temporary swelling.
PRP is not covered by insurance in most cases but is covered by health saving accounts (HSA’s). Generally, PRP is very inexpensive compared to repeated steroid injections, physical therapy and surgery.
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