What Are The Five Signs You Should Start Hormone Balancing?


5 Signs of Hormonal Imbalance That You Need to Watch Out For

Women in their teens, 20s and 30s confront the physical, mental, and emotional repercussions of hormonal imbalance on top of all the strains and demands of everyday life. The levels of two hormones, in particular, estrogen and progesterone, are primarily affected by these abnormalities.

When the balance of these two hormones is incorrect, irregular menstruation periods, pelvic pain, and uterine fibroids are just a few of the symptoms that can develop. According to statistics, 80 percent of women have hormonal imbalances. Some women are ignorant that they have hormone imbalances; in fact, 70% are uninformed of illnesses like PCOS that may have developed as a result of hormonal irregularities. Below are the 5 indicators of hormone imbalance that you might not have seen.

  • Irregular menstrual cycles

A woman's menstrual cycle usually lasts between 21 and 35 days. If this doesn't match your regular monthly cycle, it could be an indication of hormonal imbalance, and you should consult your OB/GYN. They'll collaborate with you to create a treatment plan that takes this into account. Irregular periods can also be an indication of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a hormonal condition that causes enlarged ovaries and cyst-like follicles enclosing the eggs. Women with PCOS don't ovulate on a regular basis, if at all. They could also have irregular menstrual cycles.

Birth control is the most common treatment for PCOS in women who are not attempting to conceive. Progestin is a hormone found in birth control pills that can help relieve some of the symptoms of PCOS. Things become a little more complicated for women who are attempting to conceive. Medications like clomiphene or metformin, which produce a similar dosage of hormones and assist to manage ovulation and menstrual cycles, may be recommended by your OB/GYN.

  • Hot flashes and night sweats

Are you having hot flashes at different times of the day or waking up drenched in sweat? These signs and symptoms point to a hormone imbalance and are most likely caused by a decline in estrogen levels. These symptoms could be a sign of ovarian failure, however, this is a rare occurrence. If you're experiencing these symptoms, don't wait to contact your doctor.

  • Persistent weight gain

One of the many unpleasant and frustrating symptoms of hormone imbalance is weight gain or difficulty decreasing weight. Even if they exercise four or five times each week and watch their calorie intake, many women have this problem. This can be linked to overworked adrenals or a PCOS-related imbalance.

  • Heavy menstrual periods

Unusually heavy menstrual periods are fairly common, and for most women, they have become the norm, but they should still be evaluated. Fibroids, which are benign lumps in the uterus that are fuelled by estrogen, can cause heavy periods. Medical and surgical procedures can be used to control these symptoms.

  • Pelvic pain

It's critical to see your doctor if you're having pelvic pain during your period or during intercourse. Endometriosis (tissue implants outside the uterus), fibroids (which are estrogen-driven), and ovarian cysts are all possible indicators of a hormonal imbalance. All of them can be surgically or medically removed. Your doctor will work with you to determine the optimal treatment plan for your specific problem.

Hormone imbalance is a frequent problem that can impair a woman's life in a variety of ways. It's critical to tell your doctor about any and all symptoms you're having so that they can devise a treatment plan that's tailored to your needs.

User:Marine 69-71, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Do You Need a Naturopathic Doctor Focused on Results-Based Solutions in Gilbert, Arizona?

Atlas Health Medical Group in Gilbert, Arizona specializes in providing Naturopathic / Functional Medicine to the East Valley including Gilbert, Chandler, Mesa, San Tan and Queen Creek. You may be searching for a hormone doctor if you’re having health issues, especially since your hormones play a huge role in the overall health and functioning of your body. Every single part of your body relies on hormones to do it properly, which is why the endocrine system is so important. If your endocrine system isn’t working properly, it leads to both acute and chronic health problems. Luckily, there are options to correct a hormone imbalance. Continue reading to explore how to identify hormone imbalances, why hormone balances occur, and how to balance hormones using hormone replacement therapy and beyond.  Contact us today for your first appointment!

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