Stem Cell Alternative Achilles Tendinitis | Case Review


Stem Cell Alternative Achilles Tendinitis Relief injections in Gilbert, AZ

Achilles tendinitis is a common heel pain condition that involves the tendon that connects the back of the foot to the calf muscles.  The condition can be very painful and often results in chronic pain because every time the patient is standing up and moving there is pressure on the tendon.  People that commonly experience Achilles tendinitis pain include athletes, runners in particular, trades workers, and weekend warriors.


  • Pain in the back of the foot
  • Pain worse with movement and exercise
  • Swelling in the back of the foot
  • Stiffness in heel
  • Reduced range of motion of the foot


  • Overuse
  • Intense Athletic Training / Over training
  • Improper Movement / Gait
  • Bone Spur in heel of foot

Stem Cell Alternative Achilles Tendinitis Relief: Case Review

Stem Cell Alternative Achilles Tendinitis regenerative injections

Molly, fictional name, is a 67 year old female who presented to Atlas Health Medical Group’s Gilbert, AZ clinic with Achilles tendinitis and a partial Achilles tear for 2 years duration.  Molly reported 7/10 pain that was constant throughout the day and worse with morning activities. She had been diagnosed with tendinitis and a partial Achilles tear 1.5 years ago by her primary care doctor.  The diagnosis was confirmed with ultrasound imaging. At that time, her primary care doctor prescribed her anti-inflammatory medications and physical therapy. After 6 months of physical therapy, Molly did not experience significant pain relief and began to look for alternative treatment options.  She soon found our clinic and we began therapy.

The day of Molly’s first treatment, she walked into the clinic with a walker and had very poor gait and balance.  She could not walk for long distances and had gained some weight due to her lack of mobility. I administered an allograft treatment with a PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) solution into Molly’s heel.  I focused the treatment on the attachment site of the Achilles tendon and where the tear was present. I also injected a lot of solution over the Achilles tendon to further strengthen it and decrease inflammation in the area.  Molly came back into the clinic 6 weeks later. At this time, her pain was down to 2/10 overall and she reported going on a short walk with her neighbor without the walker. This was the first time she did this with her neighbor in over 1.5 years.  She was very excited with the progress that was made and hopeful to avoid surgery. We completed another PRP injection in the same areas as the first treatment to her Achilles tendon. After another 6 weeks of healing, I followed up with her. She reported 0/10 pain on average and that she had not used the walker in 3 weeks time.  

Regenerative Injection Benefits

  • Pain Relief
  • Regeneration of Damaged Tissue
  • Quick Recovery Time
  • Non-Surgical / Non-Invasive


Stem Cell Alternative Achilles tendinitis relief treatments are changing modern orthopedic medicine.  We now have the biological advancements to heal tendons without surgery and medications. Regenerative alternatives to stem cell therapy have changed the game and saved patients from costly surgeries and long recovery times.  Partial Achilles tendon tears and tendinitis can be treated very successfully with this regenerative medicine therapy. Patients that are unresponsive to initial conservative care options should consider regenerative allografts with PRP treatment for regenerative pain relief.   


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